Radio silence 2
Radio silence 2

The tired college student yawned from where she was working on her laptop at the receptionist desk, before looking up, “Oh finished already? Man, how long was I working?” Before she yawned loudly again asking, “Hey, Mic?” Must have had to sign off early Saturday morning after his show ends, Mic sighed as he turned off the little radio on his desk, “Well, looks like it’s time to head out.” The tall blond got up, stretching to work out the kinks from sitting in one place before grabbing his jacket and heading out of his recording booth, waving at his intern on his way out, “Morning, Asawa!” Mic did notice when the segment finished how the radio was only spitting white noise, sighing softly, “Aw, I missed the end of his show. Not noticing as he talked with his Callers and cheered them up, how Deku was rather silent or how the analyst chuckled, saying softly, “This is why you are my favorite hero.” Hizashi blinks and shakes his head pulling his mind out of the past, before regretfully turning down the little radio on his desk so he could start his on-air segment. Though, Eraser was thankful in the drop of suicidal kids since Mic started the segment all those years ago, after talking a Caller out of jumping while on air. Shouta liked to fondly call this segment Having Your Own Personal Cheerleader, given how emotionally invested Hizashi was with his Callers and how it was like he was their personal cheerleader wishing them luck and reminding them that they matter to the world. He had a few regulars that called in, mostly middle schoolers, and he was glad that he could at least help them in some way.even if he couldn’t be there in person to drive their bullies and problems away. Noting that in two songs he would be on air again to do his Positivity Hotline segment- a segment he did near the middle of his show where callers could call in and he would do his best to cheer them up. The blond frowned as he leaned back in the comfy chair he was sitting in, kicking his sneaker-clad feet up on his desk while absentmindedly listening with half an ear to the songs playing in the background. Sometimes it made him wonder if the kid had an Analysist quirk or something, which made him think of how dangerous it could be if the villains found Deku or heard some of the analysists the kid did. The Voice Hero found that he rather enjoyed listening to the little listener gush over the heroes and their quirks, especially when Deku would analyze the fight and how the hero could have better used their quirks. Not even the port of the old aircraft to the new sim.It continued for weeks, Hizashi searching the channels during the breaks in his show before finally tuning into the elusive R.019 and listening to Deku ramble about fights he saw that day and the heroes he liked.

radio silence 2

It doesn’t say much except that we are not to see anything, anytime soon from A2A, F20 or P3D. Again, remember, we're not in a race but we are working very hard on many exciting new technologies. But it is not as much a question of if, but when. We cannot give confirmation one way or the other regarding what platforms it will be released on.

radio silence 2

Part of that focus is getting the real airplane back in the air, and flying the heck out of it. We are currently focused on making our Aerostar 600. And just like that first Accu-Sim release, we have wishes and challenges in front of us. I understand people want to hear solid timelines but we never have been able to do that, starting from our first Accu-Sim release, the Boeing 377 Stratocruiser being 6 months late. We have a "it's done when it's done" attitude when it comes to developing because we typically are working on features we haven't done before, now being no exception. We're not in a race to release an airplane for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

radio silence 2

A2A’s owner made a statement of intention (or rather a lack thereof) yesterday :

Radio silence 2